Walk south at head of the meadow beach (to the right when looking at the ocean) and you will pass through Coast Guard Road beach in North Truro.
This beach is managed by the town of Truro, not the National Seashore. So the limited parking area at Coast Guard Road Beach is for truro residents only, but the beautiful beach beyond the lifeguard-protected area is open to dogs.
The ORV trails are accessible with a National Seashore oversand driving sticker.

note that Coast guard road beach in truro is different that the much larger cape cod national seashore Coast Guard Beach in Eastham.
This beach is popular with people staying at nearby campgrounds that are walking distance away, and dog-friendly too.

orv trail access at coast guard road beach
In the evening those with cape cod National Seashore ORV beach stickers can drive their vehicles on this beach for some night fishing.
ORV trail access starts at Coast Guard Road and extends to Long Nook Beach in Truro. This beach is usually very secluded at night, so if you’re looking for a peaceful place to try and catch some striped bass then this is one worth checking out.
If you walk down to the right of Coast Guard Road beach be aware that it doubles as a roadway in the evenings, so watch where you set up your blanket.
Like Head of the Meadow, the Off Road Vehicle area of Coast Guard Road beach doesn’t have a tire inflation device like at Race Point Beach in Provincetown. be prepared and bring your own air compressor.

coast guard road beach dog regulations
Dog rules for Truro town beaches
The main part of Coast Guard Road Beach shares the dog rules for the town or Truro:
- Pets are allowed on Truro beaches in summer after 6:00 pm through 9:00 am
- Dogs are prohibited between the hours of 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, from the third Saturday in June through Labor Day
- Pets are not allowed in areas protected due to plovers nesting
- Clean up poop
Dog Rules for National Seashore ORV Trails at Coast Guard Road Beach
Here are the dog rules for Coast Guard Road Beach’s ORV trails:
- Dogs are allowed beyond the lifeguard protected sections of the beach in the summer
- Dogs are required to remain leashed on a 6-foot maximum leash. Tickets are given to violators, so be aware.
- Clean up pet waste
- Dogs aren’t allowed on sections of beach closed for nesting shorebirds

parking fee info
please note that the main parking area at coast guard road beach in north truro requires a town of truro beach parking sticker. There are only a few spaces and it fills up fast. Many visitors walk from nearby camping areas or get dropped off at the gate.
Cape cod national seashore ORV vehicle passes allow night for fishing access on coast guard road beach’s oversand trails. These can be purchased at the ranger station at Race Point Beach.
coast guard road beach in north truro – nearby attractions
Restaurants that allow dogs
There’s a few dining options in Truro that allow pets. There’s a bunch in nearby provincetown as well. Learn more:

Highland lighthouse (aka cape cod light) in north truro
Another mile south and you reach the highland lighthouse, also known as cape cod light. this historic cape cod lighthouse has a great observation deck on the edge of tall cape cod sand dunes overlooking the atlantic ocean far below. The deck marks the location of highland lighthouse before it was moved to safety from the eroding dunes.
the highland lighthouse observation deck is the perfect place to get a picture with the lighthouse in the background. be aware that dogs aren’t allowed on the deck or the lighthouse tour.
highland links golf course at highland lighthouse in north truro
golfers will enjoy the highland links golf course in north truro that sits in the shadow of highland lighthouse. highland links is a challenging scottish-style links course on the windy sand dune cliffs of the cape cod shoreline.
the sides of the fairways are lined with natural shoreline growth and make it very difficult to find your ball, so make sure to keep the ball low if its windy and bring extra golf balls if you’re a lousy golfer.
If you’ve never sliced a lousy golf shot into a historic lighthouse then Highland Links is your chance.

coast guard radar tower in north truro
nearby highland light sits the hulking shell of the old coast guard radar tower. The coast guard radar tower is part of the national seashore as well, and provides a glimpse of the cold war history of the united states and the role that cape cod played in it.
would you like to share pictures of your dog playing at coast Guard Road beach or other pet-friendly beaches on the cape cod national seashore? please email us